Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Heineken International Graduate Trainee Recruitment Program 2011 – NB Plc

Vacancies in Nigeria: Heineken International Graduate Trainee Recruitment Program 2011 – NBPlc
Job Position: Heineken International Graduate Program 2011
Level: Management
Reference Code: CDM/HEI/03/2011
Job Description
Heineken has launched an 18 months international graduate programme, which gives you the chance to work across the Globe and make an impact from day one. Our aim is to develop a pool of internationally minded individuals with the potential and capability to become leaders in Heineken. Although how far you go is up to you, once on the programme you will enjoy responsibility, development opportunities, travel, formal training, coaching and an environment that stimulates intellectually and rewards high performance.

What you can expect on the programme
You will specialize in either Supply Chain, Finance, Sales and Marketing, HR, IT or Corporate Relations
You will go through a one week induction programme
Three international placements each lasting six months
Applications will be open at the beginning of March till the 13th of April 2011
The Person
Ours is a highly competitive industry, so you need to be motivated, adventurous and ready to prove yourself. You also need to take a collaborative approach, as our success worldwide is very much a team effort. In return, we will prepare you for a career that could eventually see you becoming one of our leaders of tomorrow.

Job Requirements
Ideally you will need:
A degree – or be about to graduate (preferably a Masters Degree)
Work experience, preferably up to two years – relevant to your chosen function, ideally gained outside your home country
At least three languages – one of which is English and two other (with preference for European languages)
A desire to live and work abroad – as placements (or jobs after the programme) may be outside your home country
To have proven leadership skills
To have affinity with chosen specialism
An interest in other countries and cultures
To be able to demonstrate your drive to succeed
Job Remuneration
The position offers good career opportunities and competitive remuneration. In addition to basic salary with performance related increments and a pension scheme, we offer performance related bonuses, housing, transport and leave allowances, free medical treatment for self and family, paid annual leave and other fringe benefits.
Application Deadline
13th April, 2011

How To Apply
To apply please go directly to : www.graduates.heinekeninternational.com